Recent photos of things happening at St. Antony’s
March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday Click on the photo to see slideshow.
August 13, 2017 Annual Picnic Click on the photo to see slideshow.
2016 Christmas Eve worship Click on the photos to see slideshow
2016 Christmas Pageant Click on the photos to see slideshow.
Making the Christmas garland(Click on the photo to see the album)

Groundbreaking for our new building August 14, 2016
On August 14, 2016, we celebrated the groundbreaking for the building of our new church. Everyone had fun! (Click on the photo to see the album)
2016 Outdoor worship and picnic
On August 14, 2016, we worshiped outdoors on our new property with New Fellowship Church and shared a picnic afterwards. (Click on the photo to see the album)
Backpack Brigade to help military families
On August 12, we sponsored Operation Homefront to help deliver 300 backpacks for children of military families in our area. (Click on the photo to see the album)
Gwen’s baby shower – On April 15, we had a baby shower for Gwen and her family. They told us the story of how they went to China and adopted Gwen from an orphanage. Her two older brothers played with her while we talked and everyone shared cake and ice cream before opening gifts. Welcome, Gwen!
2016 Epiphany celebration
On January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, we celebrated with Holy Eucharist, a King’s Procession, and an Epiphany cake at a potluck supper.