St. Antony’s extends pastoral care in many ways.
Individual appointments: For either urgent or more routine spiritual needs, the pastor is available for confidential individual appointments and administration of sacraments.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: If you are unable to attend church due to injury or illness, the Eucharist can be brought to your home or to the hospital by our volunteer Lay Eucharistic Visitors.
Prayer Chain: Would you like prayer support? Fellow parishioners are available to provide confidential prayer support for specific personal concerns.
Flower ministry: Do you know someone who would enjoy receiving flowers? Small bouquets are provided at the end of the 10:15 am service for parishioners who could benefit from the healing balm of flowers.
Pastoral Care Team: Need a meal due to a temporary illness, surgical recovery, dealing with the loss of a loved one? Help with transportation to church? Could you benefit from a listening ear – a care call or visit at home? Would you like occasional support in caregiving for a loved one? Interested in learning about local resources for the elderly and people with special needs? The volunteer Pastoral Care Team can help with these needs.