
Prayer is a part of our life of faith, and we continually turn to God in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. Here are several ways we listen and respond to God in prayer:

Prayers of the People during Sunday worship – Every Sunday we pray out loud for the concerns that have been brought to us. There is a sheet of paper near the front door where prayer concerns can be listed before worship. This sheet of paper is then used for during the Prayers of the People.

Healing prayer available – The clergy is happy to pray for anyone at the altar rail during Holy Communion. Alternatively, this may be done after the last person has received Communion, or after worship has concluded.

Prayer Chain – St. Antony’s Church has a Prayer Chain that will pray for any concern brought to it. Prayer concerns are communicated quickly to the members by e-mail and phone so that urgent concerns may be addressed quickly. You may call or e-mail the church office to have a concern added to the Prayer Chain.

Contemplative Service – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 12 noon, a quiet service of several contemplative practices is held in the sanctuary. Included in the practices are chanting, body prayer, Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer. A time for informal reflection is also offered following the service.

Moment of Blessing – From time to time our leaders participate in a service of cleansing and healing when a violent death or suicide happens.