Bishop Rickel has given directions to help us prevent the spread of Coronavirus in our churches. We’re following his guidance in the following ways:
- While this threat lasts, we will refrain from using the common cup at Communion. Only the presider will drink the wine as a symbol of the sacrifice of Christ’s blood.
- Communion will only be offered in one kind (bread), and the presider will be acutely aware of maintaining good hygiene.
- There will be no water in the baptismal font (this is perhaps a good Lenten symbol).
- We will refrain from physical contact during the Peace. Perhaps a simple bow or a wave will suffice.
- We will refrain from sending Eucharistic Visitors out during this time.
The ushers will keep the offering plates in their hand rather than passing them from hand to hand.
You can read more about Bishop Rickel’s instructions here. I hope we’ll all keep up with the latest information about the spread of the virus and act in accordance with the best science available.
Additional precautions:
- We’ll have only coffee and tea at coffee hour. If food is supplied, it will only be commercially prepackaged food items
- The Wednesday Soup Suppers and program are cancelled for the rest of Lent (We will celebrate the Wednesday Eucharist at 5:30 pm, however)
- Those who are at higher risk for coronavirus are urged not to attend Sunday worship. People at higher risk are people over 60 years of age, those with underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, those with weakened immune systems, and those who are pregnant
- We will clean surfaces at church with bleach on Saturdays (volunteers needed)
- We’re encouraged to use the hand sanitizers found in the chair racks
If you are sick (a cold, sniffles, achiness, flu symptoms), you’re urged to stay home - At this point, we’re still planning to serve at the Lord’s Neighborhood Diner on Saturday, March 14, using extra precautions