It’s looking more and more sure that we’ll have our first worship service in our new building on Easter Eve, when we celebrate the Great Vigil of Easter. The next morning, on Easter Day, we’ll celebrate the resurrection of Christ at our regular 8:00 and 10:00 Eucharists for the first time.
After the many delays and disappointments of the past year, I feel almost giddy that we’re so close. The electricians are finishing up the last details; the tile, vinyl, and carpet are almost complete; the parking lot has been paved; and the landscaping has been scheduled. There are many finishing details that remain, but the contractor is hard at work and every day there are many workmen on the job.
Our transition team has met to plan the move from our old building to our new building. There will be many pickup truck loads to transport the mile and a half down Old Frontier Road, and it will be a challenge as we try to decide where to place everything. We’ll probably be living out of boxes for awhile, just like homeowners during a house move.
But thinking of our first service and how wonderful it will be is almost overwhelming. I’m sure we’ll all be thrilled to see the chairs in the nave, find our place, and come to the altar rail for the first time. We’ll hear how the organ sounds for the first time, and we’ll get a feel for the light as it comes though the steeple windows and fills the room. We’ll sense the presence of the congregation as we see our friends around us in a new setting.
I’m sure it will take some time to get used to. At first everything will seem so new and strange. But over time we’ll find our places and smooth out all the wrinkles, and we’ll be at home in our new church.